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LSF Ziņojumi

18 • 01 • 2017

6th Edition of World Snow Day a success World Wide

On the 15th January 2017, the 6th edition of World Snow Day took place in grand fashion.

478 events in 46 countries brought the joy of snow sports to children and their families. When combined with the 628 events from SnowKidz, the total reaches 1’106 events for the 2016/2017 season.

Amongst this group a record eight nationwide initiatives in Austria, Canada, China, Iceland, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania and Russia were executed.

For some, including Snow City in Saudi Arabia, the Danish Ski Association and Liechtenstein Ski Association, World Snow Day 2017 was their first edition. In the case of Zakopane (POL), St. Anton am Arlberg (AUT), Minsk (BLR), Sofia (BUL), Beaver Valley Ski Club (CAN), Lake Louise (CAN) and Cortina d’Ampezzo (ITA) it was their sixth edition.

For the 2017 edition, it is estimated a record three million people were reached via the World Snow Day digital channels and at events. When taking into consideration the communications prior to the day the number quickly increases to over 30 million. These numbers are further bolstered thanks to World Snow Day partners Eurosport, Infront Sports and Media, the European Broadcasting Union and Sovestsky Sport who integrated the World Snow Day trailer and events into their platforms.

FIS President Gian Franco Kasper commented “Each time this event takes places we impact snow sports globally receives a large boost. This event has well and truly moved beyond talking and is now leading the changes we want to see in snow sports.”

Looking ahead the impact of World Snow Day will not conclude after the 15th January 2017. As part of the program Event Organisers have the chance to participate in the first World Snow Day Awards. The Awards have three categories, Best World Snow Day, Best Small World Snow Day and most innovative. The top prize in the Awards will carry a cash reward of 10’00CHF. Organisers wishing to nominate their events may do so through the submission of their event report online. Finally thanks to World Snow Day, Eurosport, Swiss and St. Moritz one lucky family will win a trip to the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships. 

FIS would like to thank Audi, The European Broadcasting Union, Eurosport, Infront Sports & Media, Best of the Alps, World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry, European Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry, Sovetsky Sport, the World Snow Day Preferred Suppliers, all event Organisers and the National Ski Associations for their efforts to make World Snow Day a success. 

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