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Estonian Alpine Junior Championships

6 • 3 • 2011 / Kütiorg

Sadolin and Otepää Adventure Park´ Cup / V stage,

Estonian Alpine Junior Championships D / C / Combi Race

Organizing Authority
Estonian Ski Association and Otepää Õhujõud / Otepää AirForce

Date and Palace
6.03.11 / Kütiorg

One day before every event (05.03.2011) until 17.00. [email protected]

Technical rules
The event will govern by the rules as defined in the FIS Alpine rules and will be realigns with local conditions.
All expenses concerning the competitions will be cover by competitors or his/ her team.
Participating is on the competitors own risk. 

Drawing lots: 5.03.2011 at 19.00
Issue numbers: 6.03.2011 between 8.30 – 9.00

9.00 – 9.20 Track inspection
9.30 – 10.00 Testing
10.15 I Race
11.15 II Race

Class-C: 2000-2001
Class D: 2002 and younger

Entry fee
3 EUR of every Race /prepayment via bank transfer.  5 EUR of every Race / Competition day shall be pay in cash. 

Prize giving Ceremony
All prize giving ceremonies on the venue will taking place as soon as possible after the last Race but not later than 45 min after the last race ends.
For the first: Rewarding for every class first three place receive the trophy /and every participated athlete will receive the medal.
In Estonian Junior Championships accountings – first three athletes will receive the medals and the diplomas.
In the hole calculation in Sadolin and Otepää Adventure Park` Alpine Cup every class, first three athletes will receive the trophy and the winner will receive Fischer awards extra. 

Technical advisor: Peeter Siim 5134877
Head umpire / referee: Tiimar Laine 5045854 / [email protected]
Chief of event Tiimar Laine 5045854

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