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19 • 01 • 2016

First time Latvian Cup in alpine skiing as FIS race

This weekend, on 23rd and 24th of January, Latvian Skiing association will organise the first stage of Latvian cup in alpine skiing, which for the first time will be in FIS status and which take place in Sigulda slope “Pilsetas trase”.  In the first stage participants of all age groups will compete in two disciplines – giant slalom and slalom.  On the second day slalom for juniors and elite group will also FIS race.

Last February Latvia experienced historical moment in alpine skiing, because for the first time in our country took place a FIS competition in such a wintersport like alpine skiing. That was one of the totally three stages of Baltic cup. This year Latvian Skiing Association moves another step forward and will organise both stages of Latvian cup in alpine skiing in FIS status.  However both days will not be FIS race, but only one – slalom on Sunday, because the length and altitude of slope is too short and does not correspond to FIS requirements.  This competition will be FIS ENL (Entry league).

Usually it was three disciplines in Latvian cup in alpine skiing, but starting from this year only two – slalom and giant slalom – are included in the competition programme, dropping Super-G. It promises, that there will be lot of participants, representing several countries,  because even when Latvian cup was without FIS status, alpine skiers from neighbouring countries Lithuania, Belarus and Estonia took part, so the representatives of these countries, or maybe some else, we would see again this weekend in Sigulda “Pilsetas trase” (City slope).

In the morning will compete juniors, elite and “Master group”, bet in afternoon all three youth groups – U12 (2004./2005.), U14 (2002./2003.) and U16 (2000./2001.). Participants will have to make two runs in each discipline. Unfortunately local nation will not be in the full strength, missing several alpine skiers with very high FIS ranking. We will not see the Latvian ski team leader Kristaps Zvejnieks, who made top30 in World cup two weeks ago, because he has another race in the highest level on Sunday in Kitzbuehel, as well another several World cup race participant and Olympic games 30th place winner in slalom Lelde Gasuna and Olympic games 31st place winner in Super-G Agnese Aboltina, who is competing this weekend in FIS races in Norway in speed discipline.

Ivars Bācis

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