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25 • 02 • 2016

Baltic cup and FIS race in Alpine skiing this weekend in Sigulda

Almost four month after first stage in Lithuania this weekend, 27th and 28th of February, in Sigulda slope “Kakiskalns” will take place the second stage of Baltic cup in alpine skiing, organised by Latvian Skiing Association, and which will be also the FIS Entry league (ENL) race. Juniors and adults on Saturday and Sunday will compete in slalom discipline, but for three Youth groups it will be just the stage of Baltic cup and they both days will compete in giant slalom. 

Due to the no-winter conditions during the month of February, it was long time in doubt, whether the second stage of Baltic cup in alpine skiing could be held in Sigulda or not. With the little help of nature, temperature dropping one or two degrees below zero and that also few snow coming down, and also with efforts contributed by the staff of Latvian Skiing association and owners of “Kakiskalns”, in the preparation of the slope, it has turned much brighter look to the holding of competition. On Tuesday the organising committee took decision that the Baltic cup will go underway as scheduled, but will take place on another slope.  Initially, the City Slope, where at the end of January was held the first stage of Latvian cup, was appointed as the competition place, but due to the melting of natural snow there and, contrary, much better conditions with more artificial snow in “Kakiskalns”, Baltic cup was moved to “Kakiskalns”, which is situated just 2km from City Slope alongside Gauja Valley.

Both days the juniors and elite will begin the competition, starting their first run at 10.20. In afternoon, at 14.20, will start to compete the three Youth groups – U12, U14 and U16. Athletes will have to make two runs. Round two hundred or more alpine skiers from at least five countries are expected to take part in the second stage of Baltic cup in Latvia. At the moment 110 participants has been registered, but number will grow, because registration has been open since yesterday. As usually all three Baltic countries – Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, as well as another two neighbouring countries – Belarus and Russia – will be present, as they have been some previous times, especially Belarus.

In the first stage of Baltic cup, which was held in the beginning of November in Druskininki Indoor Winter complex “Snow arena” in juniors and elite group dominated Latvian alpine skiers, but in youth groups, besides Latvians lot of victories  and podium places went to Russians, few to Lithuania and one to Belarus, but Estonia left without any the top3 finish. So this weekend it is opportunity to take revenge. No doubts that exciting competition is expected this Saturday and Sunday. Good luck to every participant!

Ivars Bacis

Baltic cup and FIS race in Alpine skiing this weekend in Sigulda

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