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Baltic Cup 2014

16-22 • 3 • 2014 / Suomutunturi

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For detailed information please download the official invitation.


Provesional schedule*

  • SUN 16th official day of arrival, individual training day and the first team captains meeting
  • MON 17th official training day SG
  • TUE 18th SG and SC race Baltic Cup
  • WED 19th GS race Baltic Cup
  • THU 20th SL race youth and masters Baltic Cup. Race for children U10
  • FRI 21st SL FIS NC Latvia**, Baltic Cup
  • SAT 22nd SL FIS Latvia**
  • SUN 23rd official day of departure

The application for participation in the Baltic Cup national level races (SG, SC, GS, SL youth and masters) can be submitted by an individual person, club or the team captain who represents the specific athlete. The application must be submitted electronically by means of registration in the Latvian Ski Association website or by an electronic mail to [email protected]. The registration must take place no later than 5 days before the race (according to Baltic Cup 2014 alpine ski competition rules, published in

For the FIS SL races all entries must be sent according to the International Ski Competition Rules ICR. All entries must be sent so that the Organizing Committee receives them before the final date of entry. The organizers must have a final and complete list not later than 24 hours before the first draw – the final date of entry THU 20th March 19:00.

Other rules from the ICR that has to be taken in consideration:
215.2 National Ski Associations are not permitted to enter and draw the same competitors in more than one competition on the same date.
215.3 Only National Ski Associations are entitled to make entries for international competitions. Every entry should include:
215.3.1 code number, name, first name, year of birth, National Ski Association;
215.3.2 an exact definition of the event for which the entry is made.
215.5 The entry of a competitor by the National Ski Association for a race shall constitute a contract solely between the competitor and the organiser and shall be governed by the Athletes Declaration.

*Baltic Cup 2014 SG,SC,GS and SL for youth and masters are National level races and will be carried out according to Baltic Cup competition rules, published in FIS points will not be calculated!

**SL races on 21st and 22nd will be held according to FIS ICR. This means that the nations can enter their athletes only according to their FIS quota.

Special prices for accommodation and catering in Baltic Cup 2014
Contact information for reservations at hotel Suomu: phone no: +358 400360680, e-mail: [email protected]Prices:

  • Hotel with breakfast 50€ per night
  • Breakfast in hotel 7€
  • Lunch soup 7€
  • Dinner buffet 12€
  • Lift ticket 20€ per day
  • Lift ticket for children under 6 years - free of charge
  • Teams with at least 4 athletes get 1 lift ticket for trainer free of charge (list is required)
  • Teams with at least 10 athletes get 2 lift tickets for trainers free of charge (list is required)
  • Teams with at least 15 athletes get 3 lift tickets for trainers free of charge (list is required)
  • According to the ICR for the race days on 21st and 22nd March, all the nations that are not the organizing nation will have a free lift access according to the number of entered athletes within their FIS quota.

Contact information for reservations for accommodation in cottages:
Suomun Mokkivalitys,, Sirpa Kuvaja, +358 400155533

Special prices for training process
Contact information for reservations: phone no: +358 400360682 (Marko Mourujarvi), If You want to make training time reservations from 12TH to 23RD March, please contact Dinars Dorss: +37122020308 (starting 12TH March, 2014).

Due to special agreement with Latvian Ski Association (LSA) Baltic Cup accommodation place Suomutunturi offers lower prices for all season’s training process. This offer is valid for all racers from LSA alpine ski clubs, which are members of LSA:

  • Cottage 6 to 8 beds 700€ per week or 125€ per day
  • Lift ticket 20€ per day or 200€ seasonal card (these prices available only if racers and trainers list is submitted)
  • Lunch soup offer in hotel 7€
  • All other teams are welcome to get in contact with Suomutunturi ski resort for their training possibilities for good rates.

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