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FIS Skandināvijas kauss

2-3 • 2 • 2011 / Madona

Full information - Scandinavian Cup cross country 2010/11 Latvian event in Madona

Due to low number of entries for Junior categories for FIS Cross Country Skiing Scandinavian Cup stage  in Madona the competition Jury decided to cancel Junior category races and add all Junior entries to Senior categories. However we inform that competition OC has prepared prizes for best 1-3 juniors in all races.

Latvia hosts third stage of Scandinavian cup

Just two days after World junior championships in Otepe all eyes will be turned to Latvia, because on the 2nd and 3rd of February Scandinavian cup will be held in Latvian winter sport centre Madona. It is fourth time in a row the small Baltic country is hosting such level cross country skiing competition.

Two days competition
Latvia first time hosted Scandinavian cup in 2008 when the one day sprint event was organised in the centre of capital Riga. Then next two years all action took place in Sigulda famous with the bobsleigh and luge track, but now for the first time the turn is for Madona which is located 150km from capital Riga. This year will be two days competition – on 2nd February the sprint event, 1km for ladies and 1,4km for men, and on 3rd February the distance race, 10km for ladies and 15km for men. Both days competition will be in skating technique.

New and nice track 
The organisers, Latvian skiing association and city council of Madona together with local technical personnel has done excellent job to prepare good and nice skiing track according to the FIS requirements.  Track is covered by thick layer of snow,  both artificial and natural, and new and modern technique has been used for course preparation. The 1km lap for ladies sprint and 1,4km lap for men sprint has been created. Beautiful distance lap of 3,75km with ascents and descents goes through the wood. 

Countries entered
By today 150 athletes from 15 countries have registered for the event. The largest numbers are from Norway (50), Sweden (40) and of course 30 skiers from hosting nation. Most known names who will take part are ……

According to chairman of organising committee Gunars Ikaunieks Madona is ready to host high level cross country skiing competition and welcomes all the participants. 

Starting times (local)
Wednesday, 2nd February

  • Sprint free technique Qualification 10.00h
  • Sprint free technique Finales 12.00h

Thursday, 3rd February

  • Women 10km F Individual 11.00h
  • Men 15km F Individual 13.00h


Ski_Croscountry_Madona-2 (dragged).pdf

Ski_Croscountry_Madona-2 (dragged) 1.pdf

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