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21 • 07 • 2016

FIS race in rollerskiing this weekend in Priekuli

This weekend, 23 and 24 July, in the skiing and biathlon centre in Priekuli will take place the first stage of Latvian championships and FIS race in rollerskiing, organised by Latvian Skiing association in cooperation with Olympic centre of Cesis. For the first time Latvian championships in rollerskiing will be as FIS race, providing opportunity, especially junior skiers, to get good FIS points. Rollerskiing competition in Priekuli will be one of few FIS races during this summer period. Skiers will compete in middle distance race with interval start in both styles – classical and free technique.

We have used to national championships as FIS races in Priekuli in winter already for six years, because they have taken place since 2011, but such competition has not been in summer in rollerskiing. Latvia 12 years ago hosted World cup and also last year, and now for the first time it will happen also in cross country skiing summer format – rollerskiing.

Competition programme will be identical to national championships in familiar skiing course in Priekuli during the winter season, namely, relating to both – the length of distances and to the skiing techniques. On the first day is planned competition in classical technique, but on the other day skiers will compete in free technique.  Participants of FIS groups – the adults and the juniors male – both days will ski 10km, but ladies half of that – 5km.

As usually, not only because of FIS competitions, but also in just national championships several cross country skiers from neighbouring countries arrive, mainly Lithuanians and Estonians. This year, besides north and south neighbours, we will also see young and in the same time strong Russian skiers competing in Priekuli. So without any doubt interesting and close battles for victory and other podium places will be expected between participants of those four countries. At the moment already 150 participants have been registered, but the number of them is expected to grow. Although we have used to see more often Lithuanians and Estonians, it is not the first time our east neighbours will be present in open Latvian championships, because Russians have competed in some previous years, but in other place – in Madona, where in the middle of August most of those foreign competitors we will see again, because along with World cup in Madona from 12-14 August also second stage of Latvian championships will be held.

Ivars Bācis

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